
Nature, our nature has been forged and is sustained by the land and the sea, their confluence, depths and elevations and that allows us to wander the surface of the planet, crawling, walking, floating or rising physically within the sustaining atmosphere. The blue, which is not only the privilege of the seas, is conjugated with the azure-blue of the surrounding space... we are the blue planet. And we draw lines that elevate us beyond the material and points that are many other points of view, different approaches to see what is, what was, what may possibly become ... in that monochrome space of a beyond, I would say metaphysical ...

Those lines that insistently seek how to embrace options, how to settle conflicting passions, to extend like a sail a piece of that space, to sail this precarious existence.

Thank you Susana Boettner because this work, simple and beautiful, has opened my mind to these words!

©Antonio Guzzo 2023 02 15