Born in Rosario Argentina in 1966.
Self-taught Illustrator/Cartoonist.
Architect U.N.R. 1992
Since he was a child, he has dabbled in illustration on different themes and techniques and once he became an adolescent, he participated in several exhibitions in "La casa del Artista Plástico", Rosario.
As an adult, he developed the technique of watercolour.
The subject matter of most of his works is closely related to his profession, depicting buildings in European locations.
He shows the development of the different architectural movements in the history of the old continent.
The House of the Plastic Artist Rosario /500 Years
Market of the Arts /municipality of Rosario
Art Market in the lower area of the city Secretary of Culture Rosario
Murals 150 years of the foundation of Rosario/Municipality of Rosario/UNR
Casa suiza Rosario / Free exhibition of the course
Municipal Library Franzini Herrera Rosario / free exhibition
Ophelia Magazine N°16 @opheliarevista 2022 Emerging virtual art gallery. @Galerçíavirtual_arte.emergente
EmpezArt Galery /Virtual art gallery @empezart
Ophelia Magazine N°21 @opheliarevista
Open Gallery /Palermo Soho Buenos Aires.
Universe of the Arts/International Expo /Adalesia Turin _Italy @universeofthearts @virtual_social_group
Art experience in CABA / Misteriosa Buenos Aires/San Telmo. Buenos Aires Mention. @experienciaarteencaba @espaciot
Visualartsite.20 Virtual Art Buenos Aires @visualartsite.20
The Night of the Museums Palacio Barolo/Modo Arte. Buenos Aires @nochedelosmuseos @modoarte @experienciaarteencaba
Cuenta artes Digital magazine Edicion#7 Perú @cuentaartes
SuyaiTV Channel for the dissemination of art and culture Chile @suyaitv
Virtual gallery Arte Emergente. @Galerçíavirtual_arte.emergente @Galerçí
Virtual gallery Arte Emergente. @Galerçíavirtual_arte.emergente @Galerçí