· Artivist
· Women's Day
· Exhibit at the Honorable Deliberative Council of Admiral Brown
where he is declared Outstanding Personality of Culture ordinance No. 11,456.
Samples: Loving you, Bondi Gallery, my best work, contemporaries, comics, roots.
21st century tango festival Alte cultural center. Brown shows Women's Day shows Evolution
At the 1st Federal Book Fair for Admiral Brown,
inaugurated on 11/8, a portrait is presented to Mrs. Estela de Carlotto, of her authorship.
The mayor gives him a diploma distinguishing his artistic contribution.
For a private collector he painted, among other works,
“Encuentro en La Habana”,
the meeting of the Pope and Fidel.
Start painting portraits of celebrities like Pope Francis,
Sister Teresa of Calcutta, actors like Marilyn's painting
(work acquired by a private individual in Miami art gallery),
Nicolas Cage, Rihana, Máxima, Dalí, Van Gogh, etc
On December 7 the same Museum makes a sample of Sacred Art,
being one of the artists invited and awarded by the museum authorities,
commemorating 100 years of the Cosmopolitan Society of Mutual Aid,
closing the sample with the melody of the Creole Mass, by the teacher Ariel Ramirez.
The authorities of the Claudio León Sempere Museum designate it once again
to be part of the jury of the Hall of "Sacred Art" sponsored
by the Bishopric of Lomas de Zamora and the Municipality of Alte. Brown.
He is summoned by the directors of the 508 school Ing.Harry Jenning de Alte. Brown
to participate in an interview carried out by the students of the last year,
after having delved into the author's biography.
He delivered, donating to the institution a painting
of his authorship for charitable purposes.
Alchemy V exhibition with its workshop at the Lanús School of Fine Art Museum.
Women Exhibition. Lanús School of Fine Arts Museum.
· Alchemy IV Exhibition with students from its workshop at SUTEBA Alte Brown "Nedda Grella" room. · Alchemy III Exhibition with students from his workshop at the Lanús School of Fine Arts Museum.
Alchemy II Exhibition for 100 years of the town of Turdera in Instituto Santa Inés.
Alchemy Exhibition at the Municipal House of Culture in the town of Adrogué.
2nd prize at the Sempere Museum (Sacred Art).
The award-winning painting Forgive them don't know what they do
It was donated to the “Claudio León Sempere” Museum.
Paint an institutional painting for The House of Russia
(Center for International Scientific Cooperation of Russia in Argentina.
Collective Exhibition of the Sea of visual arts on the occasion of the tribute
alte. Don Guillermo Brown on the 229th anniversary of his birthday.
He is invited to the Exhibition of the Sea of the Brownian National Institute,
Alte subsidiary. Don Guillermo Brown, belonging to date
to the Itinerant Museum of the Sea.
He began working for four art salons in the Province of Bs. As.
Executing diverse works, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, seascapes, etc.
To date and working for individuals, from Capital Federal,
Mar del Plata, Miramar
Restore the statue of Saint Peter and the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal,
of the San Pedro de Turdera chapel.
The image of the Virgin of Fatima in the Chapel of the Holy Family, in Adrogué.
The Virgin of the Miraculous Medal of the Itatí de Llavallol chapel.
Pint at the request of the Irish Delegation of the Palotino Fathers
A mural for the oratory of the Colegio San Patricio,
titled By the Footprints of Jesus. Dimensions 3.20m X 1.40m.
from the Town of Mercedes Prov. De Bs. As.
Participate in the Palotino Art exhibition at the international meeting
in the town of Santa María Brazil.
Paint the portrait of Pope John XXIII for the home of the same name,
in the Yerua town of Entre Ríos.
Paint two murals for the Palotino International Meeting
held in Luján on the premises of the Marist brothers.
The titled of the same ones are Jesus, apostle of the father
and Jesus walking with his people. Dimensions 2.80m X 1.60m.
At the request of the Palotino parents, he created the work entitled
"María Reina de Los Apóstoles"
and the portrait of "San Vicente Pallotti",
which are brought, for approval,
to Rome to the Generalate of the Palotino Fathers
of the Catholic Apostolate (S.A.C.).
In 1994 the two works are published in different formats
(cards, book covers, magazines, etc.),
in Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Germany, Italy.
Begins to devote himself to sacred art, restoring works
for the congregation of the sisters of the Catholic Apostolate
and making religious murals.
Mural painting for the 200m2 Institute of the Catholic Apostolate.
He begins his workshop (Arban Arte) continuing to date.
Library Doctor "Federico Leloir".
Distinguished with an easel of honor for his career at the school of "Be
Un mural para el oratorio del Colegio San Patricio,
titulado Por las Huellas de Jesús. Dimensiones 3,20m X 1,40m.
de la Localidad de Mercedes Prov. De Bs. As.
Participa de la exposición de Arte Palotino en el encuentro internacional
en la localidad de Santa María Brasil.
Pinta el retrato del Papa Juan XXIII para el hogar del mismo nombre,
en la localidad Yerua de Entre Ríos.
Pinta dos murales para el Encuentro Internacional Palotino
celebrado en Luján en el predio de los hermanos Maristas.
Los titulados de los mismos son Jesús, apóstol del padre
y Jesús caminando con su pueblo. Dimensiones 2,80m X 1,60m.
A pedido de los padres palotinos, crea la obra titulada “María Reina de Los Apóstoles”
y el retrato de “San Vicente Pallotti”, las cuales son llevadas, para su aprobación,
a Roma al Generalato de los Padres Palotinos del Apostolado Católico (S.A.C.).
En 1994 las dos obras son publicadas en diferentes formatos (tarjetas, portadas de libros, revistas, etc.),
en Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brasil, Alemania, Italia.
Comienza a dedicarse al arte sacro, restaurando obras
para la congregación de las hermanas del Apostolado Católico
y realizando murales religiosos.
Pinta mural para el Instituto Del Apostolado Católica de 200m2.
Inicia su taller (Arban Arte) continuando hasta la fecha.
Biblioteca Doctor “Federico Leloir”.
Distinguido con caballete de honor a su trayectoria en la escuela de “Be