
Rasia Friedler is a multidisciplinary artist and psychologist from Uruguay. 

In her aesthetic exploration she integrates photography, drawing, painting, writing, collage and digital art. 
As a mixed media visual artist, she has an experimental approach.

The subjects of her works range from portraits and contemporary scenes to abstracts.   

The passage of time, the paradoxes of subjectivity and the complexity of the human condition in contemporary society are recurring themes in his work. 

His eye slides towards the furrows that time imprints on their faces, towards cracked walls, rusted materials and peeling walls. 

Since 2017 she has been attending the workshop of artist Fernando Oliveri and has taken courses in contemporary art. 

Her art has been exhibited in Artsy, in the international exhibition "Paraíso" organised by M,A,D,S, Art Gallery of Milan (Italy), in two Biennials in Colonia (Uruguay) and in WTC Montevideo among others.  His works have also been present in unconventional spaces, such as Robotics events organized by the University of the Republic, in Mola (Latin American Susteinable Fashion Event) and have been exhibited in hospitals.

Her works are part of national and international private collections, including the Engelman-Ost collection. 

She is founder and director of SaludArte, an organisation oriented towards health promotion through art and humour.

She was founder and coordinator of the Cátedra libre de Arte y Psicología of the Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR) together with Lic. Raquel Nogara.

She has published poetry, short stories, scientific texts and humour.

She was director of the magazine "Tramas" of the Uruguayan Association of Psychoanalysis of the Vincular Configurations and director of the magazine of AUDEPP (Uruguayan Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy).
She was a contributor to the journal Topía de Psicoanálisis, Sociedad y Cultura. She was an advisory member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychotherapy of the European Association of Psychotherapy. 

She was awarded the Estrella del Sur Prize from Uruguay to the World by the Literary Community Versos Compartidos, Embassy of Peace and Esquina Cultural La Paz.

About the artist: 

Seeing and observing Rasia Friedler's plastic work was personally a humanist, anthropocentric adventure. Her poetic and profound view of human beings ranges from her profession as a psychologist to the art that inhabits her and vice versa. In this multiplicity of languages converge interests of long investigative reflection, always provoked by emotion and creative passion. In his artistic proposal he stops the instant and the action, generating series where texts and figures intertwine. In this way, she reveals the loving strangeness provoked by the bodies and their becoming, all in their possible circumstances, to illuminate new gazes that in turn question us.

María Eugenia Grau. Curator, Prof. of Art History and Literature

There is nothing better in the context of art than to meet, dialogue and share with artists interested in multiple expressions, creators and at the same time voracious consumers of all of them.
Any discipline is of interest and the slightest spark is transformed into fire. Visual and performing arts, psychology, literature, humour, are some of the aspects that merge and fertilise in Rasia.
Her curiosity is enormous. Her sensitivity and humility allow her to understand and experiment with a variety of subjects, techniques and materials. An extreme sensitivity, sometimes even naive, but very subtle and also robust in her way of understanding the human condition.
Rasia's curiosity does not stop, just as her talent does not stop. And the ship goes...

Víctor Lema Riqué. Art curator and visual artist

"Everyday life and the aesthetics of the cities flood all the facets of Rasia Friedler's portraits, but in this case it acquires greater importance when representing Meghan McCubbin, representative of the Uruguayan national team in a discipline that is so typical of the urban world, skateboarding. The excellent work of lighting and anatomy in representing the athlete stands out even more thanks to the particular background in which she is presented, flooded with red and black graffiti.
This portrait breathes youth and street culture in all its nooks and crannies".
Lucía Naranjo, Revistart, Nº 215
Revistart is a bimonthly Spanish publication specialising in Art.