
From a very young age I felt art within me, the way to express myself was always drawing, painting and dance.
That is why my life is art, movement, color and intensity.


When I started studying painting I felt a great freedom to express
my thoughts on that white canvas that I was never afraid of,
on the contrary, to capture an idea and then see it on the canvas
is the most wonderful thing that can be felt .
My work has the freedom of creation and the madness of what is created.


Munch, Klee (creator of the new grammar), Modigliani, Picasso.

Also, don't forget Van Gogh, who has started on the path of modern art and Cezanne with his expressive depth and his hidden structure that gave density to everything he did.


Miguel Cride said that his life and his work were the same thing.

He was my great teacher and therefore I understood that art is
within you and not a consequence of commercial modernism.

He was my great reference, feeling that thinking, loving
and understanding is the creative foundation.


Painting is not only to represent an aesthetic form,
it is to obtain a reality according to my inner being,
it is to find the path that conforms my life.


Of the current I like: Marta Minujim, Miguel Caride, Marino Santa María, Julio Leparc, Mondrian, Salvador Costanzo and others.


The creative process has several changes, from a classic figurative with a lot of drawing of the human figure to transforming it by removing parts and adding forms, thus reaching a surrealism and then searching inside my being to arrive at metaphysical painting, even making changes to my palette and getting to sensible geometry.


My style is always renewal and exploration to capture what is known and the new that comes to me.


The painting is the expression of my interior is the experience
of feeling the brush stroking the canvas, it is a surreal feeling.


The other expression was dance, the relationship between dance and painting is art, movement, color sensitivity, development of different forms of creativity.


The end of the internal expression and the exit to the world to be understood.


You have to be encouraged ... and be able to ...