

· Artistic intervention in letters TRES LAGUNAS, for the central square of the town. Formosa Argentina.


· Solo exhibition called NATURALMENTE, at the Centro Cultural La Flota, Barranqueras Chaco Argentina.


· Founding member of the Argentine Academy of Modern Literature. IGPJ Nº 4157 (RES.631/2020)

· Participation in the IX Foro del Árbol, organised by the educational community EES 42 "San F. Solano". Colonia Benítez, Chaco.

· Online participation in cultural events. October-November.

· Participation in the collective exhibition "Somos Ave Fénix" organized by the foundation Creando Caminos in the Multi-espacio creativo by the artist Marta Acosta. Resistencia Chaco.

· Granted by the FNA (Fondo Nacional de las Artes).


· Mural "Ecos de mi Pueblo", made on the facade of the Municipality of Barranqueras during the XVI SEMANA DE BARRANQUERAS.

· Illustrations in books of short stories by the writer Gabriel Perino. Colonia Benítez, Chaco.

· Short Film Production Workshop, organised by DCEA (Dirección de Cine y Espacio Audiovisual) Resistencia Chaco-.  

· Recognition granted by the Academia Chaqueña de Literatura Moderna Ciclo "Let's talk about Literature", in my active participation as a Plastic Artist. 


· Outstanding of the year. Recognition granted by UMMA (World Union of American Women) President UMMA Argentina Lic. Alba Grismado. Barranqueras, Chaco.


· Organizer of BARRANFEST, cultural artistic event in Barranqueras. Chaco Argentina.

· International visual arts exhibition, "My best work", La Flota Cultural Centre. Barranqueras Chaco. Barranqueras Chaco. Argentina.


· Exhibitions in different cultural centres, galleries and art sales and auctions in Chaco and Corrientes. Argentina.


· Artistic intervention in letters LA EDUVIGIS for the local Water Park. Chaco Argentina.


· Participation and organizer of the 1st Meeting of Art and Painting in Barranqueras Chaco Argentina.

· Artistic intervention with painting in the letters BARRANQUERAS for the portal at the entrance of the town. Chaco Argentina.