
Painting exhibitions :


-Solo exhibition. "Anonymous portraits. Velas de la Ballena. Alsina 2773 (04 November to 15 December).

- Group exhibition. Second painting exhibition. 88th anniversary of the Centre des constructeurs et annexes (8 August to 6 September).

-  Group exhibition. "Elipsis". Builders' Centre and annexes. Independencia Av. 2249 (14 October to 04 November).

-  Live painting. Concert by the group Lacoplada at the "Bar El Agentino". Chacabuco 2637, Mar del Plata.

- Group exhibition: "Miroirs - 43 autoportraits-". Builders' Centre and annexes. 2249 Independencia Av. (June 2019)

-  Solo exhibition. "Repazos". Bodega Trapiche Costa y Pampa. Av. Antártida Argentina km. 16. Chapadmalal (from 8 February to 10 March).

-  Solo exhibition. "Muchadumbre. Velas de la Ballena. Alsina 2773 (4 August to 4 September).

-Group exhibition. Fogolar Furlam. Castelli 3932 (November 2016)

- Group exhibition "Arte en el Centro". Centro de Constructores y anexos. 2249 Independencia Av. (July 2016).

-  Solo exhibition. "First role". GALERIE YOSHIMI. Promenade Lanfranconi. Luro Av. and      Catamarca. (18 July to 08 August).

-Group exhibition. "Portions". Nautical Club MAR DEL PLATA, Espigón C. Port (28 June to 17 July)

-Group exhibition. "Route zéro". RADIO-CITY+ROXI+MELANY ART CENTRE. San Luis 1750 (29 March to 25 April).

-Solo exhibition. "Fragile". FOUR ELEMENTS THEATRE SPACE. Alberti 2746 (04 February to 02 March)

-   Group exhibition. ESPACIO TEATRAL CUATRO ELEMENTOS. Alberti 2746 (07 December to 12 December).

- Group exhibition. Sheraton Hotel. Alem 4221 (from 03 September to 05 October).

- Group exhibition. Week of non-violence "everything transforms itself". RADIO-CITY+ROXI+MELANY ART CENTRE. San Luis 1750 (from 01 September to 30 September).

- Group exhibition. NGO. Children and young people with diabetes. WATER SQUARE. Güemes and Roca (9 and 10 August).

- Live painting and solo exhibition. PUNTA PANCHO, Olavarría 3232 (14 to 21 June).

- Live painting. Azabache Festival. WATER SQUARE. Güemes and Roca (18 May).

-Group exhibition. Hotel DO DO. Güemes 3041 (from 01 April to 30 April)

- Group exhibition. POLO NORTE Bookshop. Constitución 5843 (from 15 to 31 March).

- Live painting and exhibition. PLAYA GRANDE, Mar del Plata (10 February)

- Live painting. SPACE PROFILE. Alberti 1242 (08 January)

-Solo exhibition. "ESPACIO TEATRAL CUATO ELEMENTOS. Alberti 2746 (from 1 to 31 January).

-  Solo exhibition. "Apparently normal". THE WHALE'S SAILS. Alsina 2773 (from 04 October to 04 November).

- Solo exhibition. "Childhood, family and other barbarities. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE. La Rioja 2065 (15 May to 15 June).

-  Solo exhibition. RADIO-CITY+ROXI+MELANY ART CENTRE. San Luis 1750 (12 May to 7 June).

- Group exhibition. GALERIE AGUAFUERTE. Piedras 895, CAPITAL FEDERAL (19 April to 2 May).

- Group exhibition. "Tribute to Antonio Calvente. . ESPACE CABRALES. Alberti 1343 (2 September to 2 October).

-  Solo exhibition. TIO ANDINO. Güemes 3140 (17 March to 17 April)

-Group exhibition. GALERIE ESSENZA. Moreno e/ La Rioja e H. Irigoyen (10 January to 28 February)

- Solo exhibition. RED FOREST. Colon 1934 (24 November to 19 December)

- Group exhibition. CASINO CENTRAL (29 October to 22 November)

- Group exhibition. "Tribute to Antonio Calvente. THE BALCONY HOUSE. 3 de Febrero 2538 (12 September to 8 October)

- Collective exhibition. International beekeeping exhibition. WATER SQUARE. Güemes and Roca (10, 11 and 12 July).

-Solo exhibition. ESSENZA GALLERY. Moreno e/ La Rioja and Irigoyen (6 July to 6 August).

-Shared exhibition. LAKSMI CAFÉ. San Lorenzo esq. Jujuy (from 1 to 31 June)


Mention at the "Tribute to Antonio Calvente" competition at La casa balcón. 12 September.

- Mention of the first biennial "Art at the centre". July 2016 Centre des bâtisseurs and annexes.

- Honourable mention at the Fogolar Furlán trade fair. November 2016.