
Exhibitions and Mentions

·  Automóvil Club Argentino 2005: "third prize intermediate level".

·  Eniarte year 2006.

·  Art Gallery Cleo Art Club year 2008.

·  Decorative Painting Foundation of Argentina year 2008. "Mention blue and white ribbon".

·  Tango Chapter year 2008 Bs As. "Third prize intermediate level".

·  Art in Quintana 2008.BsAs.

·  Art Week.  Civic Center of Bariloche. 2009.

·  Mega exhibition artists Roca Museum, year 2009.

·  Gallery of the Nations of Buenos Aires, exhibitions held during the year 2009 receiving several mentions.

·  Argentine Consulate in Florianópolis, 2009.

·  Expo Trastiendas 2009.

·  Art in Quintana 2009. Buenos Aires.

·  Decorative Painting Foundation of Argentina year 2009. "Blue and white ribbon mention".

·  Carrousell of Louvre Museum (Paris). Year 2009.

·  Braque Gallery, Bs As. "second prize in painting".

·  Autumn exhibition Braque: "Special mention".

·  Metropolitan Museum, year 2010.

·  Argentine Artists in New York. The Mosaic Project (Manhattan) year 2010.

·  Museum of the Americas, year 2010.

·  Classic Art, year 2010.

·  Furniture Expo 2010.

·  Argentine Decorative Painting Foundation year 2010.

·  Art in Quintana year 2010.

 ·  Publication of his works in the magazine "Pintar cuadros" of welcome editions, during the years 2009,2010,2011 and 2012.

·  Classic Art year 2011.

·  Art Road Hotel Soffitel de Cardales 2010 and together with the painter Mercedes Fariña, 2011.

·  First prize in painting. Braque Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2011.

·  Solo exhibition at the Jockey Club of Venado Tuerto, 2011.

·  Museum of Decorative Art Buenos Aires 2012.

·  Special mention in autumn exhibition. Braque Gallery of Buenos Aires 2014.

·  Individual and collective exhibitions 2015 and 2016 in the city of Venado Tuerto.

·  Gallery Night, Venado Tuerto year 2016.

·  Solo exhibition Private Faculty of Medical Sciences, Hospital Italiano de Rosario, Rosario 2017.

·  Individual exhibition Braque Gallery Bs As, years 2018 and 2019.

·  Years 2020 and 2021. Courses and online exhibitions.