
 · C.P.C Arguello - Nancy Cabanillas Workshop (11/2010 - 12/2011 - 11/2012 - 11/2013) 

· Art Vivant - Buen Pastor ( 09/2019). 35 visual artists / Claudio Barzabal cataure - Art and Fashion Collection 

· Infinite Woman -Paseo Rivera Indarte -(5/03/2020) 18 Visual Artists 

· Hologram of a dress - Paseo Rivera Indarte (10/2020) 36 visual artists / art inspired by haute couture designs. 

· Currently there are five works of my authorship, exhibited in the ART-FACTORY gallery located in Valle Escondido. 

· Exhibition of sculptures Conarte Sculpture - Club house Country Estancia Q2, Mendiolaza, Córdoba (10-11-12/09/2021). 

· Participation in collective exhibition - visual artists "ARTE OBJETO - La poética de reinventar" - Paseo Rivera Indarte - (10/2021) 


· Exhibition "Mujeres que emergen" - Club house Country Las Delicias, Córdoba - (04/2022 - 05/2022) 

· Exhibition "Styles" - Museum of the city Luis J. Biondi, Jesús María, Córdoba. (07/2022 - 08/2022) 


· Hologram of a dress - Finca Vista Grande, Villa Ciudad Parque, Calamuchita, Córdoba. (09/2022 - 12/202)

· Exhibition of paintings - 35 plastic artists / art inspired by haute couture designs. 

· Participation in the competition of landscape painters in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. Year 2021

· Collective exhibition of the 10th anniversary of the Museum of the city Luis Biondi of Jesús María-from 24/09/2022 to 16/10/2022.

· Exhibition of intervened bottles for the winery Bedz in the gallery Art Factory- 18/10/2022 the only artist selected with more than one design.

· Collective exhibition, De vino encuentro, live works, in the frame of the inauguration of the vineyards in the Estancia Jesuítica de Jesús María- from 10/2022 to 30/03/2023.

· Expo/ Charity event for the children's hospital, organized by Bedz Foundation at Chateau Millenium in the city of Villa Allende/Córdoba, presenting two works of my authorship and intervened bottles.

· Participation in The Collector's Club/ International Painting Prize "JOSEFINA VILLACRESES".


· Epoxy resin seminar, given at the Art Factory gallery - 10/2021

· Seminar of Laboratory and Clinic of work, dictated by the artist and curator Natali Bonaudi-09/2022