My name is Alejandro Triana Romero, I am a Cuban plastic artist. Painting was not only part of my childhood, but the attachment to it was strengthened over time, there was a progressive evolution in my artistic work, which led me to begin studies at the ¨Academy of Plastic Arts Leopoldo Romañach¨ in September 2015.
In 2019 I graduated from the Academy and obtained a scholarship at the Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA) in Havana, where I am currently in the first year of my degree.
I have always been interested in working with the human figure and its interaction with social problems, how the person is able to survive in the memory, on this interest I worked in depth and elaborated a thesis which I titled ¨ Transcendental Aesthetics¨, inspired by the studies of the Prussian philosopher, Kant.
All this research strengthened the conceptual basis of my work, created the foundations of what I build today and is a support, without being the protagonist, of the formal part of my work.